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Dexcom began as a small company with a big dream: To forever change how diabetes is managed. To unlock information and insights that drive better health outcomes. Here we are 25 years later, having pioneered an industry. And we're just getting started. We are broadening our vision beyond diabetes to empower people to take control of health. That means personalized, actionable insights aimed at solving important health challenges. To continue what we've started: Improving human health. We are driven by thousands of ambitious, passionate people worldwide who are willing to fight like warriors to earn the trust of our customers by listening, serving with integrity, thinking big, and being dependable. We've already changed millions of lives and we're ready to change millions more. Our future ambition is to become a leading consumer health technology company while continuing to develop solutions for serious health conditions. We'll get there by constantly reinventing unique biosensing-technology experiences. Though we've come a long way from our small company days, our dreams are bigger than ever. The opportunity to improve health on a global scale stands before us. Meet the Team: The Dexcom Customer Support Specialist is an exciting role for a customer service focused individual who is passionate about delivering a great customer experience. It is an opportunity to be part of a dynamic and high performing team that works closely with healthcare providers. As a central point of contact, the Customer Support Specialist is responsible for dealing with all general account enquires and ensuring patients who receive Dexcom products through their healthcare provider have all the information and support they need throughout their journey with Dexcom. Where You Come In: Answer all calls from patients who receive funding for their Dexcom products. Deal with all general email enquiries relating to these patients. Drive consistency and accuracy in how enquiries are handled. Maintaining accurate and up to date records ensuring all enquires are documented in (customer management system). Carry out data cleaning as requested. Support in the production of account usage reports. Achieve service KPIs and deliver against customer satisfaction targets. Support the HCP account specialist team as required. Maintain agreed service level agreements (SLAs). Maintain a high degree of accuracy when entering data (customer management systems). Keep up to date with our product and its development. Maintain a good understanding of the clinical data and published studies. What Makes You Successful: Fluent to a high level of English language in both written and oral communication. A knowledge of the UK healthcare system would be an advantage. A background in customer service. A knowledge of using call centre software. The ability to handle a high-volume workload. A passion for delivering excellent service. Ability to communicate and collaborate with different stakeholders. Experience of working with CRM platforms and Microsoft applications. An open mindset and a willingness to learn. A keen eye for detail. Strong organizational skills. Plenty of initiative and be a self-starter. Good communication skills, both verbal and written. An empathic approach to customers and colleagues. What you'll get: A comprehensive onboarding and training on the job. Opportunity to work in a diverse and inclusive environment with colleagues representing 45 different nationalities. Hybrid working model, offering the flexibility to work both remotely and in a modern, well-equipped office space. 5 additional vacation days, with potential for more for parents, students, and other cases with approval. Opportunity to work from other countries for up to 30 days per year. Health Insurance including reduced premiums available for dependents. Life and Accident insurance coverage. 3rd Pillar Private Pension plan. Health and Wellness programs, including access to online coaching and therapy sessions Regular team-building events that foster collaboration and connection. Best-in-class training and career development programs. Exclusive discounts on restaurants, spas, clothing, gyms, entertainment, and more. Access to a fitness tracking app with rewards for staying active. Free parking space at the city center office location. Experience and Education Requirements: Typically requires a minimum of 4-6 years of related experience and High School diploma/certificate or equivalent. Imagine a workplace where your ideas are valued, your growth is supported, and your efforts directly contribute to our success. We believe in fostering a culture where everyone feels empowered, inspired, and excited to come to work each day. If you're looking for a role that offers more than just a job, where you can truly make a difference and have fun while doing it, then we can't wait to meet you! Join us and be a part of something extraordinary. To all Staffing and Recruiting Agencies: Our Careers Site is only for individuals seeking a job at Dexcom. Only authorized staffing and recruiting agencies may use this site or to submit profiles, applications or resumes on specific requisitions. Dexcom does not accept unsolicited resumes or applications from agencies. Please do not forward resumes to the Talent Acquisition team, Dexcom employees or any other company location. Dexcom is not responsible for any fees related to unsolicited resumes/applications. Monthly base salary for this position is from \u20ac1,905.42 to \u20ac2,353.75 gross. Final offer will depend on your qualifications, competencies, and professional experience.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.dexcom.com/careers/job/26910634", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 26807322, "name": "Customer Service Representative, Bulgarian Speaker", "location": "Vilnius, Lithuania", "locations": ["Vilnius, Lithuania"], "hot": 0, "department": "SA-Customer Service", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1736467200, "t_create": 1736467200, "ats_job_id": "JR110175", "display_job_id": "JR110175", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "JR110175-en-US", "job_description": "", "locale": "en-US", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.dexcom.com/careers/job/26807322", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 27296127, "name": "Supervisor Customer Service", "location": "Vilnius, Lithuania", 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