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As the Omnichannel Marketing Manager, you will play a pivotal role in crafting Dexcom's approach to customer engagement by developing and executing a comprehensive omnichannel strategy. Your efforts will significantly contribute to business growth, customer retention, operational efficiencies, and an improved overall experience for our users. In this role, you will harness data to build tailored interactions that genuinely resonate with individual customers and providers. By doing so, you will drive engagement, boost conversion rates, generate valuable provider product referrals, and strengthen customer dedication. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about omnichannel marketing, data insights and 360-degree personalization, with a proven track record to navigate a sophisticated landscape of cross-functional technical and marketing stakeholders. Your talent for aligning teams towards shared objectives will be essential to our success. We are looking for a candidate who understands various customer perspectives (HCP, patient, access customers) and supports the design of omnichannel experiences and campaign journeys to achieve strategic and commercialization goals for brands. Where you come in: You will lead the design and execution of the omnichannel marketing strategy, driving patient and HCP engagement. You will define the marketing segmentation strategy for omnichannel, measurement plans, and testing initiatives to enable personalized and seamless marketing strategies that align with overall marketing goals and business objectives. You will partner with cross functional stakeholders to develop HCP and consumer omnichannel vision, strategy and pull-through, manage deployment of omnichannel capabilities consistent with brand strategy. You will drive data-informed decision-making, utilizing analytics to measure channel efficiency, optimize content delivery, and refine strategies based on performance insights, customer behaviors, and engagement metrics. You will support the field sales team through digital-based tools and materials that advise their interactions with healthcare professionals. You will collaborate with training teams to plan and support in training and reinforcement of content and improvements. You will facilitate change management towards omnichannel excellence by piloting new tools, or new ways of working across the marketing organizations. You will champion the standardization and unification of consumer engagement data across systems to drive flawless and personalized experiences that drive brand awareness, product adoption, and ultimately, improved patient outcomes. You will lead all aspects of and ensure technical data connections between sales, marketing, and consumer app data from relevant systems and platforms in partnership with Commercial IT & Analytics, Commercial Operations, and Data Platform teams. What makes you successful: You have 5+ years of omnichannel and/or digital marketing experience. You possess a deep rigor for data insights and analysis of customer segment behavioral patterns to identify trends, preferences, and behaviors that can advise personalized marketing efforts. You have proven expertise in developing and completing data-driven marketing strategies that span multiple channels, including digital, and traditional mediums. You have strong collaboration skills in sophisticated and matrix organization with a multifaceted environment. You have experience with sophisticated marketing technologies and tools, such as CRM, marketing automation, content management systems, CDPs, and personalization platforms. You have a blend of analytical rigor, digital strategy expertise, strong project management skills, and the ability to align collaborators towards common objectives. You have sophisticated communication and presentation skills including ability to build impactful PowerPoint presentations with visual storytelling and adjust the story/details based on the audience. You have a forward-thinking approach to marketing, with a desire to innovate and apply new techniques. Experience and Education Requirements Typically requires a Bachelor's degree with 8-12 years of industry experience. 2-5 years of previous management or lead experience. What you'll get: A front row seat to life changing CGM technology. Learn about our brave #dexcomwarriors community. A full and comprehensive benefits program. Growth opportunities on a global scale! Access to career development through in-house learning programs and/or qualified tuition reimbursement. An exciting and innovative, industry-leading organization committed to our employees, customers, and the communities we serve. Travel Required: 5-15% Remote Workplace: Your location will be a home office; you are not required to live within commuting distance of your assigned Dexcom site (typically 75 miles/120km). If you reside within commuting distance of a Dexcom site (typically 75 miles/120km) a hybrid working environment may be available. Ask about our Flex workplace option.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.dexcom.com/careers/job/26627371", "isPrivate": false}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "26627371"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 3.9, "chatbot": false, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsApplyFormV2Enabled": true, "isPcsBrandingApril2023Enabled": false, "allowedFileTypes": {}, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "hideDepartment": null, "pcsOctupleMigration0Enabled": true, "pcsOctupleMigration1Enabled": false, "replaceUrlOnGoBack": true, "pcsRedesignedNuxEnabled": true, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "userActivityTimeout": 86400000, "userActivityTimeoutEnabled": 1, "isLoggedInPcsEnabled": false, "sortByConfig": null, "searchBoxConfig": {}, "excludePrivatePositions": true, "eeocFilterKeywords": ["veteran", "disability", "gender", "race", "citizen", "visa", "ethnicity"], "disableScrollLoadPositionSidebar": false, "locationFlexibilityFrontendEnabled": true, "workLocationOptionFrontendEnabled": true, "remoteFlexibleJobsFilterEnabled": false, "loggedOutNotificationsEnabled": true, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=dexcom.com", "title": "What's next? 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